8" Double Hook w/ Lock SlatWall Accessory
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The 8" Double Hook is the all-purpose work horse of slat wall accessories. You can use it for storing lawn and garden equiment; a variety of tools; as well as sports bags or other sports gear. Add double hooks to your Work Space Slat Wall Panel for storing drills, a router, and other essential power or hand tools above your workbench area. If you are trying to create a home for everything being stored in your garage, a fair number of double hooks will be essential for making that happen.
There are a number of other storage solutions that will also be essential in helping you organize your garage and keep it that way. We have a number of other accessories for storing everything from bikes to a roll of paper towel. Then, of course, you have the slat wall panels and Work Space storage cabinets. If you are having trouble designing your complete solution, we are more than happy to help. Use this link to learn more about our Online Design consultations and take advantage of the experience and expertise offered by one of our project managers.
**Note: Installation required.